- 提出了精确组装FRR算法(Precision Assembly with Forward Resource Reservation, PA-FRR)。 Through using the dual-buffer structure, FRR and precision assembly scheme, PA-FRR can not only reduce the end-to-end delay effectively, but also avoid the bandwidth wastage caused by unsuccessful BHP pre-transmissions. (2) An extension to ns-2.26 is given, which can correct the mistakes of obs-0.9a released by Maryland University.
- landscape reservation (风景保户区) 天然保护区
- 所以我们提出了Transfer Reservation特性。 So we came up with the Transfer Reservation feature.
- 除Quick Reservation操作按钮外,我们还在右键菜单中包含了快速预订功能。 In addition to the Quick Reservation action button, we included quick reservation ability into the right-mouse click menu.
- 形容词"buoyant"与介词"with"连用。 The adjective "buoyant" is construed with the preposition "with" .
- 裁判员对在这一器械完成动作情况如何评判? What aspects of performance are the judges assessing on this piece of equipment?
- 电话号码是可选的;只有在用户选中Confirm reservation by phone复选框时才需要检查电话号码。 The telephone number is optional; you need to check the phone number only if the user has selected the Confirm reservation by phone check box.
- "短语动词,像get up, catch up with 等都 是很有用的。" "Phrasal verb, such as get up, catch up with, etc. Is most useful . "
- with结构 with-structure
- 而资源预留协议(Resource Reservation Protocol, RSVP)则用于在网络节点之间传递QoS请求,动态地建立端到端的QoS。 Furthermore, RSVP is utilized to transfer different requirements of QoS and set up end-to-end QoS. The biggest obstacle to QoS implement is network congestion.
- 还想sit with me, This frog is very silly.
- 下面是在使用WITH XMLNAMESPACES子句时所应用的常规语法规则 The following are general syntax rules that apply when you use the WITH XMLNAMESPACES clause
- 请勿使用WITH子句。 Do not use the WITH clause.
- 资源预留协议(RSVP,ReSource Reservation Protocol)是综合服务中最常用的信令协议,是由接受端发起的,它对基于流的QoS请求进行端到端的资源预留。 RSVP (ReSource Reservation Protocol) is the most popular signaling protocol in Intserv model, which is receiver-initiated and makes flow-based end-to-end resource reservation.
- With块不是迭代构造。 A With block is not an iterative construction.
- 失控般(或with)要去杀人。 possessed by (or with ) an urge to kill.
- Visual Basic不支持Exit语句(Visual Basic)将控制传递到With块之外。 Visual Basic does not support the Exit Statement (Visual Basic) to transfer control out of a With block.
- 不能在With语句中声明它。 You cannot declare it in the With statement.
- 需要有WITH关键字和括号。 The WITH keyword and the parentheses are required.